Dear Resurrection Family,
After much thought, prayer and consultation, we are going to suspend all group activities on our campus until – well we don’t know at this time. We will follow best practices as this all evolves. This includes worship, and all adult, youth and children’s programming. We’ll have to find another time in the year to eat those wonderful Lenten meals!
I am not a fan of cancelling worship and programming, so over the past several weeks the staff has been working through every scenario on how to limit contact between our folks while still being church as usual. These scenarios have included limiting hand contact in worship, encouraging those who feel ill to stay comfortable at home, suspending communion, placing hand sanitizer in strategic places, cleaning door handles every day, not passing the offering baskets, not having refreshments between worship, removing the nametag stations so folks don’t bottle up around those tables… and the list goes on. But all of those will still not give us the 6 foot perimeter that health officials are advising. So, in the name of caring for our community, being good partners and neighbors, we’ve joined lots of other faith communities by suspending worship and programming. However, while church as usual will be suspended for a time, we are still church together.
Here is how:
- Worship – we will live stream our worship and message on a YouTube channel. Russ will join me and lead us in song and worship, and we will continue our Lenten journey through the book of Jonah. The live stream will air at 10am Sunday mornings for these next few weeks. You will also be able to watch the recorded version if that 10am time doesn’t work for you. Watch for more information and details.
- Youth and Children’s programming – We will provide either a live or recorded larger group time for our Confirmation youth, and our children’s team has some fun stuff in the works as well. Small group leaders will be in touch with their youth.
- Spiritual Care – This time has been and continues to create anxiety for many of us. If you need a word of encouragement or if you find yourself stuck in your home, please reach out to the church office via email, or call 651-730-1000 before stopping in, to assure the office is staffed as our hours may fluctuate during this time. We have many people who have offered their time to help anyone in need, run errands, or just be that presence for you. Do not hesitate to reach out. God is good!
- Offering and Gifts – While we will be doing church a bit differently over these next weeks, we do need to stay on track with our financial needs and commitments. Thank you for your continued generosity! In this time, please explore giving options. And as always, you can mail your offering to the church office.
The words from Isaiah spoken thousands of years ago still ring true for us today… “8 But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, the offspring of Abraham, my friend; 9 you whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners, saying to you, “You are my servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off”; 10 do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” (Isa 41:8-10 NRS)
We are Resurrection people!
Pastor Paul
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